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CP Pumpen contacts in Germany

Please find below your contacts for Germany.

Bartosch S 005 min

Area Sales Manager South Germany

Stefan Bartosch

Tel: +49 162 4212 631

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Jost Frank 005 web

Area Sales Manager West-East Germany

Frank Jost

Tel: +49 170 4159 348

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Over Max 002 web Lo Res

Area Sales Manager North-West Germany

Max Over

Tel: +49 151 7220 6713

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Sales Inbound

Would you like to order spare parts or register a repair? Or do you need support from our technical sales department? Here you will find your local contact person:

Sascha Christ

Administration Sales office (spare part & repairs)

Sascha Christ

Tel: +49 621 180 63 791

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Thorsten Frisch

Administration Sales office (spare parts & repairs)

Thorsten Frisch

Tel: +49 621 180 63 792

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